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At, you will get paid to visit our Advertiser's Websites.
The process is very easy! You simply click a link and view a website and or banner ad for 60 seconds to earn money! You can earn even more by referring your friends and family, and also through our Paid To Signup Offers. You'll will get paid $0.01 for each website and or banner ad you view and you will also get $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and the minimum payout is as low as $10.00.

Earnings Example
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
our daily earnings = $2.10
Your weekly earnings = $14.70
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Your yearly earnings = $756.00

The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you may have more clicks available, some days you may have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available? is available to residents of all countries without any restrictions including United States.

Join now and receive a $0.25 Sign-up Bonus

Availability Limited!
Hard to find active members? Why not let us do the referring for you? We currently have a limited amount un-referred members left for sale. Packages with 1, 5, 10, 15, 35, 100, 500 and 1000 referrals are available now.

No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on and our advertising network. Pay only if people click your ads.

Advertise On Surf Ads Page:
When you order one or more Surf Ads Page Advertising Package(s), we list it on the " Surf Ads" page. All new ad entries appear at the top of the list. Advertising rates are at their all time low and as low as $1.00 for 100 Member Visits, also we only charge you for unique visits that our members generate.

Advertise On Banner Ads Page:
When you order one or more Banner Surf Ads Page Advertising Package(s) (468x60 Banner), we insert it on the " Banner Surf Ads" page. All new ad entries appear at the top of the list. Advertising rates are at their all time low and as low as $1.99 for 100 Member Visits, also we only charge you for unique visits that our members generate.

We offer you a convenient way of ordering and purchasing Advertsing using your credit card and other payment options. is available to residents of all countries without any restrictions including United States.

Advertising With
You can create and run ads for your personal or business website, quickly and simply. Starting as low as $0.01 cent you can run your ad(s) on our advertising network -- no matter what your budget, you'll only pay when people click your ads. More Info:

You can also choose to display your ads on Display Network sites in the growing Eplinx Network. Also you can choose the exact Display Network where you'd like your ad to appear, or you can let contextual targeting match your keywords to content. More Info: News